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Happy Family

How it works

1. Easy Online Booking Clients have a choice of a. Filling out our referral form, b. availability form, or c. booking yourself directly If you choose to text or email, ensure you include what times or days works best for you to schedule you in as efficiently as possible.

2. Initial Consultation ​ Your journey begins with a confidential online consultation. This initial consultation is designed to help us understand your unique needs and determine the most effective therapeutic approach for you, whether that’s EMDR, IFS, EFT-C, CBT, Psychodynamic Therapy, or another method. Our highly skilled therapist will explore the root causes of your concerns, offer targeted recommendations, and guide you toward the best therapy methods for long-term resolution.

canada online therapy
Person with glasses

3. Personalized Therapy Sessions ​ Engage in regular, one-on-one online therapy sessions from the comfort of your home. Each session is tailored to address your specific challenges, uncover underlying causes, and guide you toward lasting wellness. We’ll monitor your progress, identify any obstacles, and work together to overcome them.

4. Ongoing Check ups ​ Canda Online Therapy provides follow-up sessions and ongoing support to help ensure your progress is sustained over time. Clients are encouraged to rate their experiences using our Session Rating Scale as we believe in non complancy care deeply of continuously improving our services to you. Our approach is personalized, allowing for adjustments as needed to help you achieve your personal and professional goals.

Heart Shape Clouds
National Flower

5. Confidential & Compassionate Care ​ Rest assured, all interactions are confidential, we are committed to providing a safe space for your healing journey.

canada online therapy

Learn how online therapy works and connect with a licensed therapist from the comfort of your home.


Discover the convenience, confidentiality, and personalized support available through virtual sessions.


Start prioritizing your mental health healing care and revival today.

How it works

Online Therapy Location

Insurance Coverage

🍁 Canada


  - Most likely eligible for insurance benefits.
  - Complete the new client form or schedule an appointment to confirm.

🌍 USA, World wide


  - Many insurance companies cover online therapy.
  - Services available in Canada and case by case USA, worldwide.


Insurance Coverage

  - Confirm with your insurance company what coverage you have for online therapy.


Cross-Border Practice

  - Therapists must adhere to the counseling regulations of the client's location (CCPA, 2024). (CCPA, 2024). If you have more questions, feel free to ask!

Meet your therapist

Meet Your Therapist


  - Use our easy online booking calendar or fill out our availability form, and we will book your appointment for you.



  - You will receive immediate confirmation of your appointment time along with email and text reminders.

Session Details

  - Expect a phone call ☎️ or a Zoom meeting 💻.

  - The Zoom link remains the same for future sessions, please return to the same Zoom room for your next session.


Let me know if you need any further adjustments!


Explore Our Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Talks & Self-Care Sundays

  Please consider joining these sessions if you're not ready for 1-on-1 therapy, couples therapy, family therapy, or group therapy.

Stay Connected

  - Please consider bookmarking our website to stay updated.
We rarely send email newsletters, so check back regularly for new content.


Future Offerings

  - Keep an eye out for our growing range of mental health self-help products and upcoming canine-assisted therapy services. Please grow with us !

Engage with our Resources

New Client Referral and Availability Form

🌷͙֒Personal Information

Preferred Method of Contact
I am an adult
Do you have insurance?

🌺Referral Information

Are you filling out this form for yourself or someone else?

💮 Availability and Scheduling

Preferred Days for Appointments: (Check all that apply)
Preferred Time of Day:
How soon are you looking to schedule your first appointment?

🌻Additional Information

🌹Consent, Agreement, and Next Steps

Consent for Contact: By submitting this form, you agree to be contacted by Canada Online Therapy regarding the services you are inquiring about.
Acknowledgment of Privacy Policy: Your information will be kept confidential in accordance with our privacy policy. ( ) I acknowledge
Terms and Conditions: I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
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