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If you are looking for online therapy you have come to the right place.
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What is Psychotherapy ?

What is Psychotherapy ?


Psychotherapy is a mental health treatment that involves regular therapy sessions to guide individuals to develop awareness of their patterns, history to motivate them to change automatic behaviours for their benefit for authentic happiness, fulfillment.


Psychotherapy aims to improve well-being by aligning thoughts, emotions, and behaviours in accordance to one's core values, true self, as a by product relationships are improved. There are various types of psychotherapy designed for different demographics, including individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy, and children therapy.


The term Psychotherapy derives from Greek, meaning "healing of the spirit," and is often referred to as "talk therapy." Although many forms of psychotherapy rely on conversation, some techniques may involve non-verbal communication methods such as play or art, especially when working with children. Recent techniques enhance neuroplasticity, enhancing executive functioning - all virtues that truly make us human: compassion, empathy, benevolence to name a few.

Psychotherapists can be professionals like psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, or counsellors. Their training typically includes significant direct hours of clinical practice with specialized populations with presenting issues. Licensed psychotherapists adherence to ethical standards, confidentiality being the primary concern to create safe spaces persons can be vulnerable to create intimate relationships with themselves. Different countries have varying regulations regarding the practice of psychotherapy, with some requiring specific licenses and certifications.

Licensed psychotherapists approaches are evidence-based. Ultimately, the goal of psychotherapy is to facilitate personal growth and improve mental health through a therapeutic relationship. Success in psychotherapy is based on the fundamental relationship developed between the client and their therapist being healthy, positive, genuine, unassuming.

What is Psychotherapy all about ?

What is Psychotherapy all about ?


Psychotherapy is a mental health investigation of discovering how one's past plays in one's present.


What is psychotherapy and how does it work ? Psychotherapy requires a genuine healthy therapy alliance between client and therapist, through this basis the client is able to take risks to discover themselves, and identify core issues.


What is psychotherapy all about ? Psychotherapy is building awareness as a change agent, so the client is motivated to change to self actualize.


What is psychotherapy and what does it do ? Psychotherapy addresses core issues of pain, so clients can work towards resolve these issues, blocks that may restrict their potential.


The goal of psychotherapy is to foster meaningful change, while the main goal of psychotherapy is to be proactive and protective in one's health by caring for the mind, body, spirit. 


What is individual psychotherapy ? This form of therapy is conducted in one-on-one sessions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.


Additionally, it's important to understand the difference between counselling and psychotherapy; counselling typically addresses immediate issues and offers support, whereas psychotherapy delves deeper into underlying psychological patterns for long-term change.

What is Counselling ?

What is Counselling ?


Counselling is a professional, therapeutic process aimed at creating a safe space for clients to share emotional, psychological, or behavioral challenges. Counsellng involves a trained counsellor who provides a confidential, safe, supportive environment for clients to explore their thoughts and feelings.


Through this process, clients develop coping strategies, self efficacy and work toward personal growth and resolution of specific issues. Ultimately, counselling seeks to empower individuals to enhance their well-being and navigate life's challenges more effectively.​ 


What is counselling therapy? It involves structured sessions where trained professionals provide support and guidance to clients facing specific issues.


A counselling therapist is the qualified individual who facilitates this process, using various techniques to help clients achieve their goals. When discussing what is counselling and psychotherapy, it’s essential to understand that counselling typically focuses on immediate concerns and short-term coping strategies, whereas psychotherapy often explores deeper emotional issues over a longer timeframe.

What is counselling services? These services include a variety of support options, such as individual, group, and family therapy, designed to foster personal growth and resilience. 

The difference between counselling and therapy usually lies mainly in their focus and duration, with counselling being more solution-oriented and short-term. Likewise, the difference between counselling and psychotherapy often pertains to the depth of exploration and the techniques employed in each approach.

New Client Referral and Availability Form

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Consent for Contact: By submitting this form, you agree to be contacted by Canada Online Therapy regarding the services you are inquiring about.
Acknowledgment of Privacy Policy: Your information will be kept confidential in accordance with our privacy policy. ( ) I acknowledge
Terms and Conditions: I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
Are you human test - 2 plus two is:

Five for Fighting - Superman (It's not Easy)

Why is Five for Fighting Superman (It's not Easy) lyrics and message so powerful and resonating ?

"Superman (It's Not Easy)" by Five for Fighting, is a powerful and introspective song that reflects on vulnerability and the pressure to appear strong. It explores the theme of feeling burdened by expectations, even for a "hero," and reveals the emotional struggles behind the mask of strength. The lyrics suggest that despite being perceived as invincible, even those who seem strong need to be acknowledged for their humanity and imperfections. Blog post coming soon !

Introduction to Canada Online Therapy 

Introduction to Canada Online Therapy:

Canada Online Therapy is revolutionizing how individuals access mental health services.


With the growing demand for Canada Online Therapy, many are turning to online therapy platforms Canada offers. Whether you’re interested in Canada online therapy for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or seeking Canada Online Therapy for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), there are various options available. Canada Online Therapy uses a combined approach, meaning combing the best evidence based approaches per client, what clients respond to best with their presenting mental status.


Recently we have been seeing great progress and clients have report immediate and lasting change with a combined approach with Internal Family Systems (IFS) with EMDR. We have seen and clients have reported lasting change with the modality of EFT, Emotion Focused Therapy for Individuals and EFT-C Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples. IFS teaches clients to understand to listen to their bodies and minds with divine governance, while EMDR allows both therapist and client to get out of the way of genuine processing and healing for the client. EFT, EFT-C guide clients to stay in the here and now for genuine emotional processing, awareness, expression so stress does not accumulate to sickness.

As more people look for effective Canada Online Therapy solutions, the variety of services provided ensures that we are the right match for you, with a no risk approach to therapy - you are referred, recommended to our trusted colleagues if we are not confident we can justify your investment with us for long term results.

The flexibility of Canada Online Therapy means you can schedule sessions at your convenience, making it an appealing choice for busy individuals. If you’re exploring Canada Online Therapy covered by insurance, many platforms offer coverage options to help reduce costs. Overall, Canada Online therapy continues to expand, offering innovative and accessible mental health care to people across the country.

Online Therapy Canada Covered by Insurance

Online Therapy Canada Covered by Insurance: When exploring online therapy in Canada covered by insurance, it’s essential to find services that fit your mental health needs while being financially accessible.


Many platforms offer online therapy in Canada covered by insurance, allowing you to receive the support you need without worrying about high out-of-pocket costs. When searching for online therapy in Canada covered by insurance, look for licensed therapists who accept your specific insurance plan. This ensures that you can access various services, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), trauma therapy, and relationship counseling.


Choosing online therapy in Canada covered by insurance not only provides financial relief but also offers the convenience of connecting with a therapist from the comfort of your home. By prioritizing online therapy in Canada covered by insurance, you can focus on your mental well-being without added stress about expenses.

Canadian Online Counselling

Canadian Online Counselling: Canadian online counselling is becoming an essential resource for those seeking mental health support. With the rise of Canadian online counselling, individuals across the country can access professional help from the comfort of their homes.


Many platforms offering Canadian online counselling specialize in therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Emotional Focused Therapy for Couples (EFT-C) providing personalized care.


Whether you need individual, couple, family, or group therapy, Canada Online Thearpy offers Canadian online counselling, a flexible and convenient option.


As more people discover the benefits of Canadian online counselling, it has grown to become a trusted and effective solution for mental health needs. If you're looking for affordable Canadian online counselling services or those covered by insurance, we might be a good fit for what you are looking for.

Best Online Therapy in Canada

Best Online Therapy in Canada: For the best online therapy in Canada, look for a therapist who can meet your schedule, your unique needs, and your personal preferences. The best online therapy in Canada should provide various options, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and trauma-focused therapies like,

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR),
Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples, (EFT-C).


When searching for the best online therapy in Canada, consider the convenience of accessing support from home, which can help you prioritize your mental health. Ensure that the best online therapy in Canada you choose is covered by your insurance, making it both accessible and affordable. Finding the right therapist is crucial for effective online therapy, as it creates a safe space for you to share your thoughts and feelings. With the best online therapy in Canada, you can take meaningful steps toward healing and personal growth at your own pace.

Art Credit

Bruce Willis Park, aka Brucie, is the model for Canada Online Therapy.


Bruce is Lee Park, owner of Canada Online Therapy's fur son.


He is the most handsome dad in the world, boyfriend to Dominga, who ignores him completely,

and is so protective of his family that he insists on sleeping by the door every night to watch it.


Brucie is also the last one to eat; you can see his body language sulking lower and lower
as the food diminishes while his kids eat without mercy.

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