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Psychodynamic Therapy Online

Access expert psychodynamic therapy online with Canada Online Therapy.


Uncover deep-rooted patterns, achieve lasting change, and proactively protect your mental health. Experience personalized sessions from home, covered by insurance.


Start transforming your life today.

Transformative Psychodynamic Therapy  Premier Online Therapy Services

Canada Online Therapy provides both intensive and short-term psychodynamic therapy with a highly qualified therapist. Our expert, trained in powerful psychodynamic techniques, offers personalized 1-to-1 online sessions.

Clients gain profound insights into psychodynamic principles, object relations, interventions, and attachment theory, making the therapeutic experience exceptionally transformative.

Why is Psychodynamic, Attachment Therapy so Powerful ?

Psychodynamic therapy is a powerful approach due to its deep exploration of the unconscious mind, helping individuals uncover and understand hidden thoughts, emotions, and patterns that significantly impact their behaviour and relationships.


By addressing unresolved conflicts and past experiences, psychodynamic therapy provides valuable insights into the root causes of current psychological challenges.

This therapy is particularly effective in identifying and working through internal conflicts and emotional struggles, which can lead to improved emotional regulation and mental resilience. It also enhances interpersonal relationships by revealing unconscious patterns and their effects on interactions with others, promoting healthier and more fulfilling connections.

Psychodynamic therapy fosters personal growth by encouraging individuals to gain a comprehensive understanding of their inner world.


This self-awareness leads to meaningful and lasting changes in behaviour, thought patterns, and overall well-being. Its integration of various techniques and theories offers a holistic view of mental health, addressing multiple aspects of an individual’s life and supporting transformative outcomes.

Canada Online Therapy excels in this approach, with extensive training in psychodynamic therapy and a commitment to delivering insurance-covered online therapy. We offer services for adults, kids, couples, and families, ensuring accessible and effective care tailored to diverse needs.

Psychodynamic Therapy

Areas of work

PTSD psychodynamic therapy


 This approach focuses on uncovering and processing unconscious factors that contribute to trauma, helping individuals integrate and heal from past experiences. Canada Online Therapy excels in providing this effective treatment for PTSD.


Psychodynamic anxiety

Exploring deeper emotional conflicts and unconscious patterns, this therapy helps individuals manage their anxiety more effectively. At Canada Online Therapy, we offer expert support for anxiety through psychodynamic methods.


Psychodynamic therapy for OCD


By examining the psychological roots of obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, this therapy provides targeted treatment strategies. Canada Online Therapy is skilled in delivering psychodynamic therapy for OCD.


Substance use disorder


This therapy addresses the emotional and psychological roots of addiction, aiming to resolve deeper issues fueling substance abuse. Canada Online Therapy is proficient in psychodynamic therapy for substance use disorders.



Understanding and working through defense mechanisms helps individuals address underlying emotional conflicts. Canada Online Therapy employs psychodynamic therapy to help clients recognize and manage these unconscious strategies.


Somatic symptom disorder


This approach explores the psychological factors behind physical symptoms, enhancing understanding and overall well-being. Canada Online Therapy provides psychodynamic therapy tailored to somatic symptom disorder.




By examining unresolved conflicts and unconscious emotions, psychodynamic therapy fosters deeper emotional healing. Canada Online Therapy is committed to effective treatment for depression through psychodynamic methods.


Eating disorders


Psychodynamic therapy helps uncover the emotional and psychological factors driving disordered eating behaviors, improving self-esteem and body image. Canada Online Therapy is adept at addressing eating disorders with this approach.


Difficulty coping with chronic health issues


Exploring the emotional impacts of chronic illness, this therapy supports better management and resilience. Canada Online Therapy offers psychodynamic therapy to assist with coping with chronic health issues.



This therapy helps uncover unconscious sources of stress and develop effective coping strategies. Canada Online Therapy provides psychodynamic therapy to help manage and reduce stress.



Personality disorders


Psychodynamic therapy addresses deeply ingrained personality traits and unresolved conflicts to promote adaptive behaviors and self-awareness. Canada Online Therapy is experienced in treating personality disorders with this approach.



Interpersonal difficulties


By examining unconscious factors affecting relationships, this therapy helps develop healthier interaction patterns. Canada Online Therapy is adept at using psychodynamic therapy to address interpersonal difficulties.

Loneliness: Exploring the emotional and psychological factors contributing to loneliness, this therapy helps build more meaningful connections. Canada Online Therapy is skilled in providing psychodynamic therapy to address feelings of loneliness.



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Psychodynamic Therapy

More Psychodynamic Info

💭 Main Idea of Psychodynamic Theory:

Psychodynamic theory, originally developed by Sigmund Freud, focuses on the influence of the unconscious mind and early childhood experiences on behavior and mental processes. It emphasizes the role of unconscious conflicts, internal drives, and past experiences in shaping personality and behavior.

💭 Introduction to Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Technique:

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is a therapeutic approach that explores unconscious thoughts and feelings, often stemming from early life experiences. Techniques include free association, dream analysis, and exploring past relationships to uncover and address underlying emotional conflicts.


💭 Modern Psychodynamic Theories:

Modern psychodynamic theories build on Freud’s original concepts but incorporate contemporary understandings of mental health. They emphasize relational dynamics, the importance of the therapeutic relationship, and the impact of social and cultural factors on psychological development.


💭 Psychodynamic Workbook:

A psychodynamic workbook is a resource designed to help individuals engage in self-exploration and gain insights into their unconscious processes. It typically includes exercises, reflections, and activities that align with psychodynamic principles. Coming soon.



💭 Psychodynamic Worksheets:

Psychodynamic worksheets are tools used in therapy to facilitate self-reflection and understanding. They may include prompts for exploring thoughts, feelings, and past experiences to uncover unconscious patterns and conflicts. Coming soon.



💭 Psychodynamic Therapy Qualifications:

To practice psychodynamic therapy, therapists typically need a relevant graduate degree (such as psychology or social work), specialized training in psychodynamic techniques, and often licensure or certification. Ongoing professional development is also important to stay current with advancements in the field.



💭 Primary Goal of Psychodynamic Therapy:

The primary goal of psychodynamic therapy is to increase self-awareness and insight into unconscious processes, helping individuals understand and resolve internal conflicts. This can lead to lasting changes in behavior, emotions, and relationships.


💭 Psychoanalytic vs Psychodynamic Therapy:
Psychoanalytic therapy, rooted in Freud’s theories, often involves long-term treatment focusing on in-depth exploration of the unconscious. Psychodynamic therapy, while based on similar principles, may be shorter-term and more focused on current issues and relationships, incorporating modern perspectives.



💭 What is the Goal of Contemporary Psychodynamic Therapy:

Contemporary psychodynamic therapy aims to enhance self-understanding and emotional resilience by exploring unconscious thoughts and relational patterns. It focuses on how past experiences shape present behavior and aims to foster personal growth and improved interpersonal relationships.



💭 Why is Psychodynamic Therapy Effective:

Psychodynamic therapy is effective because it addresses the root causes of emotional and psychological issues by exploring unconscious processes and past experiences. This approach promotes deep self-awareness, which can lead to meaningful and lasting change in behavior and emotional well-being.


💭 What is Relational Psychodynamic Therapy:

Relational psychodynamic therapy emphasizes the importance of the therapeutic relationship in understanding and addressing unconscious patterns. It explores how the therapist-client relationship reflects and influences the client’s relational dynamics and emotional experiences.



💭 What is Transference in Psychodynamic Therapy:
Transference refers to the phenomenon where clients project feelings, attitudes, and expectations from past relationships onto the therapist. In psychodynamic therapy, exploring transference helps clients understand and resolve unresolved conflicts and emotional patterns from their past. More info coming soon on this fundamental concept in therapy.



💭 What Do You Do in Psychodynamic Therapy:

In psychodynamic therapy, clients engage in discussions about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, with a focus on uncovering unconscious processes and patterns. Techniques such as free association, dream analysis, and exploring past relationships are used to gain insight and resolve internal conflicts.



💭 What is Free Association in Psychodynamic Therapy:
Free association is a technique where clients are encouraged to speak freely and spontaneously about whatever comes to mind. This process helps uncover unconscious thoughts and feelings, providing insight into underlying emotional conflicts and patterns.



Canada Online Therapy offers leading online therapy and counseling services, specializing in support for adults, couples, and marriages.


Our integration of Psychodynamic Therapy ensures outstanding care and lasting results. 

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