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Online Adult Therapy

Adult Therapy


Adult therapy provides a space for individuals to strengthen their executive functioning, enhancing neuroplasticity, and fostering personal growth. 


Adult therapy provides the skills of self-reflection and evidence-based practices.


Adult therapy helps clients align with their sense of purpose, calling, and passion.


Adult therapy is a process that encourages the brain’s ability to form new connections, enabling clients to improve cognitive flexibility and emotional regulation. Adult therapy provides services in therapeutic approaches focusing on self-care and personal development, to achieve greater mental clarity, focus, and resilience in everyday life. This in turns improves relationships with the self to the self, and to others, motivation, performance at work, school. 

Through Adult therapy, and by enhancing self-care, individuals become clear on their purpose, and experience greater cognitive functioning. Adult therapy challenges individuals to prioritize personal growth. Adult therapy fosters individuals to explore their deeper sense of calling and passion, aligning their purpose to thier core values, which leads to greater fulfillment in both personal and professional areas.


Ault therapy provides therapy exercises enhancing neuroplasticity.


Adult therapy supports the brain's ability to rewire itself, improving cognitive flexibility and enhancing executive functioning. These improvements in executive functioning, such as better decision-making, planning, and emotional regulation, are central to the outcomes of adult therapy.


Additionally, adult therapy provides a structured space for individuals to reflect on their goals, discover their blocks and align their actions with their values, promoting long-term well-being and resilience.


By consistently engaging with adult therapy, individuals can create lasting changes in their lives, fostering a deeper connection with themselves and their overall life purpose.

What is the definition of Adult therapy ?

What is the definition of adult therapy? The definition of adult therapy refers to a therapeutic process designed for individuals aged 18 and older, focusing on personal development, emotional well-being, and cognitive functioning.


When asking, "what is the definition of adult therapy?" it involves structured sessions with a licensed therapist that aim to promote self-care, improve executive functioning, and support neuroplasticity. The definition of adult therapy also includes helping individuals align their values and goals, discover their purpose, and develop resilience.


In summary, what is the definition of adult therapy? It’s a therapeutic journey centered on fostering mental clarity, emotional balance, and long-term personal growth.

Online Therapy for Adults

Online counselling for adults provides a flexible and accessible way for individuals to receive mental health support without needing to visit a therapist’s office in person. Whether you are dealing with anxiety, depression, stress, or life transitions, online counselling for adults allows you to connect with licensed therapists through video calls, messaging, or phone sessions. If you're searching for adult therapy near me, virtual options make it easier to find a therapist who meets your needs, no matter your location. Adult therapy near me offers the same benefits of traditional therapy, with the added convenience of being able to attend sessions from home.

For those in their late teens or early twenties, online counselling for young adults can be especially helpful. Online counselling for young adults focuses on issues like school or career pressures, relationships, and identity development, offering tailored support for this unique stage of life. In addition, ADHD treatment online for adults provides a specialized approach for managing ADHD symptoms. Through ADHD treatment online for adults, you can learn strategies to improve focus, organization, and time management, all from the convenience of a virtual setting.

Virtual therapy for adults offers a solution for anyone seeking mental health care without the hassle of commuting or fitting appointments into a busy schedule. With virtual therapy for adults, you can prioritize your well-being while maintaining the flexibility you need to manage work, family, or other responsibilities.

What to Expect in Adult Therapy

At the outset of therapy, we work with you to clearly identify your presenting issues. This initial assessment allows us to understand the breadth of your concerns and outline a comprehensive approach to address them. We will present a range of therapeutic methods, such as ACT, CBT, EFT, IFS, EMDR, psychodynamic, and narrative therapy, among others. Each method will be explained in terms of its theoretical foundations and potential benefits for your specific situation.


You will engage in exercises associated with each therapeutic approach to determine their effectiveness and fit for you. Concurrently, we will assess your basic functioning and mental status to inform our treatment strategy. Between sessions, you are encouraged to process and reflect on the work done. To foster continuity and establish a regular routine, we recommend scheduling a minimum of four sessions at a time.


The therapeutic setting is designed to be non-directive, allowing you to engage in the process without added pressure or deadlines. Emotional work often involves recurring themes, and the success of the therapy depends significantly on the collaborative relationship between you and your therapist.


It’s important to continue with therapy even if you start feeling better. The goal is to persist until you reach your therapy objectives, which include expanding your emotional range and addressing core issues. This process helps you liberate yourself from triggers and automatic reactions, enabling you to respond in a more intentional and adaptive manner.

What is Diana Krall's Alone Again (Naturally) eternal message ?


What is Diana Krall's Alone Again (Naturally) eternal mesage ?


"Alone Again (Naturally)" Diana Krall reminds us we must be home with ourselves.

We must seek peace and harmony within ourselves; everything else is a perk or,
a compensation for the lack of this. Stay tuned for more on this.

Closer Look at Our Approach


Clarity: We provide a structured overview of the therapeutic process, grounded in empirically proven methods. This ensures that clients receive a well-founded and effective approach to their mental health needs.

Practicality: By offering a combination of therapies such as ACT, CBT, EFT, and others, we provide valuable options tailored to individual needs. Ongoing assessments of basic functioning and mental status reinforce a comprehensive approach, allowing clients to consistently monitor their well-being and adjust their therapy as needed. Our approach is practical and flexible, designed to instill confidence in clients about the adaptability of our combined best-practice therapies.

Encouraging Continuity: We emphasize the importance of continuing therapy even after clients start feeling better. This is crucial for setting realistic expectations and encouraging commitment to therapy goals. Continuing therapy beyond initial improvements aligns with our comprehensive strategy and helps ensure clients fully engage in their long-term growth.

Focus on Core Issues: Our approach aims to address core issues and expand clients' emotional range, supporting long-term wellness and protection from future stressors. We encourage clients to work through deeper issues rather than just surface-level symptoms, viewing symptoms as coping strategies to avoid core issues. By addressing core issues, we aim to help clients achieve meaningful and lasting change, ultimately fostering a deeper sense of well-being and resilience.

Non-Directive Approach: We offer a unique, non-directive, and non-judgmental setting that promotes a warm, friendly environment. This approach reduces pressure and enhances client comfort and progress, allowing clients to integrate these benefits into their own lives. Creating a client-centered, culturally sensitive environment is fundamental to our practice, ensuring that clients feel supported and valued throughout their therapeutic journey.

Rationale Behind the Therapy Process

Rationale Behind the Therapy Process:

1. Comprehensive Assessment: We start with a brief assessment of presenting issues to help clients clarify and identify specific concerns and needs.


This foundation allows for a tailored therapeutic approach that addresses the individual’s unique situation.

2. Diverse Therapeutic Methods: We offer a range of therapeutic methods such as ACT, CBT, EFT, IFS, EMDR, and more.


This allows clients to explore different approaches and find what works best for them. Each method is selected based on its theoretical foundations and how it aligns with the client’s goals.


Methods are combined for greater impact, and are flexible to clients’ ongoing needs, energy levels, and time available for sessions.

3. Ongoing Evaluation: Regular assessment of the client's basic functioning and mental status ensures that the therapy remains relevant and effective.


This evaluation helps in adjusting the treatment plan as needed.


4. Continued Engagement: We encourage clients to persist in therapy even after feeling better. This ensures that clients fully address core issues and achieve their therapy goals.


This approach helps in expanding emotional range and improving responses to triggers.


5. Non-Directive Environment: Creating a non-directive space removes pressure and deadlines, fostering a more open and supportive environment for clients to engage deeply with their emotional work.

New Client Referral and Availability Form

🌷͙֒Personal Information

Preferred Method of Contact
I am an adult
Do you have insurance?

🌺Referral Information

Are you filling out this form for yourself or someone else?

💮 Availability and Scheduling

Preferred Days for Appointments: (Check all that apply)
Preferred Time of Day:
How soon are you looking to schedule your first appointment?

🌻Additional Information

🌹Consent, Agreement, and Next Steps

Consent for Contact: By submitting this form, you agree to be contacted by Canada Online Therapy regarding the services you are inquiring about.
Acknowledgment of Privacy Policy: Your information will be kept confidential in accordance with our privacy policy. ( ) I acknowledge
Terms and Conditions: I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
Are you human test - 2 plus two is:

Getting to the Core

In our therapy, we work to uncover and address core issues and pain that may be holding you back from achieving your future goals and realizing your best self.


By addressing these underlying challenges, our hopes is our work will remove obstacles so you can move forward with clarity and confidence.

How Therapy is Conducted:

​How Therapy is Conducted:

1. Initial Intake: The process begins with a comprehensive discussion to outline the client’s presenting issues and challenges. This helps in setting clear goals and expectations for therapy.

2. Therapeutic Approaches: Clients are introduced to various therapeutic methods. Each approach is explained in terms of its principles and potential benefits. Clients engage in exercises related to these approaches to determine their effectiveness.

3. Regular Sessions: Therapy sessions are held regularly, adapting to the client’s schedule, and providing continuous processing and ongoing progress. These sessions include working through exercises, reflecting on progress, and making necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

4. Processing and Reflection: Clients are encouraged to process their experiences between sessions. This reflection helps in integrating the work done and advancing toward therapy goals.

5. Routine and Consistency: Clients are advised to book multiple sessions in advance to establish a routine.


This consistency supports ongoing progress, stability.

6. Addressing Core Issues: Our therapy focuses on addressing underlying issues that may be hindering personal growth. This approach aims to help clients manage their triggers and emotional responses more effectively.

7. Therapeutic Alliance: The effectiveness of therapy relies significantly on the collaborative relationship between the client and therapist. This alliance is crucial for a successful therapeutic process.

Our structure ensures that therapy is both systematic and flexible, accommodating the individual needs of clients while providing a consistent framework for progress.

Over 10,000 clients served

With a proven track record of helping over 10,000 clients, we are committed to providing effective and compassionate mental health support. Canada Online Therapy's extensive experience allows us to tailor our therapeutic approaches to meet the unique needs of each child and family we serve.

Over 25 years experience in counselling

With over 25 years of experience in counseling and a history of serving more than 1,000 clients, Canada Online Therapy brings a wealth of expertise and dedication to supporting mental health. This extensive experience ensures that each client receives the highest level of care tailored to their unique needs.

Over 15 years of psychotherapy experience

With over 15 years of psychotherapy experience, Canada Online Therapy combines deep expertise with a commitment to delivering personalized and effective mental health care. This extensive background allows Canada Online Therapy to provide our clients with the tools and support they need to navigate their challenges and achieve lasting well-being.

Over 10 combined scientific therapy approaches 

Canada Online Therapy employs over 10 combined scientific therapy approaches, ensuring a comprehensive and evidence-based approach to mental health care. This diverse toolkit allows Canada Online Therapy to tailor interventions to the specific needs of each client, optimizing their path to recovery and well-being.

Insurance-Covered Therapy and No-Risk First Session:

Insurance-Covered Therapy and No-Risk First Session:


We offer therapy covered by insurance. Your first session is risk-free; if you find that the fit is not right, we will provide recommendations for therapy approaches that may better suit your needs. This ensures that you have a supportive and tailored experience from the outset.

Art Credit:

"Calvin and Hobbes" was created by Bill Watterson and first published in 1985. All rights to the comic strip are owned by Bill Watterson and are syndicated through Andrews McMeel Universal. For official collections and more information, visit Bill Watterson has chosen to remain outside of the public eye, similar to his refusal to commercialize Calvin and Hobbes, keeping the integrity of the comic untouched by merchandise or adaptations reflecting his values of existing as an independent artistic expression rather than a celebrity brand. We see this so rarely, like artists like Banksy who value immeasurable privacy.

Calvin and Hobbes reminds us of how quickly innocence can evaporate in the media, recalling times when standards were ethically motivated. Neuroscience research repeatedly prove that once we see something, especially negative or violent imagery, it becomes hard to "unsee." Repeated exposure desensitizes the brain, with the amygdala, responsible for processing fear and emotions, becoming overactive, leading to stress. This also weakens the prefrontal cortex's ability to regulate empathy and judgment. Conversely, witnessing acts of kindness reinforces empathy. Both adults and children are deeply shaped by what they see, highlighting the need for mindful media consumption. So when you see real life violence, consider how a person's brain is structured or even creepingly accepted and reared by acceptable standards of society.

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